“Clubhouse” Founders

I knew that “Clubhouse” was the latest, hottest social media app because a few of my kids are on it. What I didn’t know was what the hell it was (real-time discussions among members on various topics in various “rooms”). Listen to this excellent podcast on “How I Built This with Guy Raz” and you too will be enlightened (unless of course you are way cooler than me and already understood it). Paul Davison and Rohan Seth are Stanford grads who each experienced the highs and lows of developing social media applications before hitting this jackpot. They seem like truly lovely fellows as they explain how their respective journeys got them to the point of developing a company with a valuation of $4 billion. Guy made an exception to have them as guests as their company is just over a year old (he typically prefers a company that has been around 5-10 years).


Boston Ballet - Season Finale


Mask On, Mask Off