The Couch

While there’s a lot to be said for a comfy armchair (think Archie Bunker), I have a new appreciation for the couch. Currently, our house is staged in hopes of selling it (a second time - see BMT#69 ), and our comfy armchairs are gone. This means the husband and I now watch our nightly programs (the news, followed by TMZ, followed by “Better Call Saul”) from a couch, together, side by side. No longer on individual thrones, we share the sofa - sometimes stretched out and sometimes snuggled together (even eking out a foot massage now and then). The physical closeness a couch encourages versus the isolation of separate armchairs is something I never considered until now. But to resurrect that teenage feeling of cuddling with my beau, I can honestly say that being a couch potato has many good points.




“The Personal Librarian”