Hurts So Good

Graduation Ceremonies:  The most painful of all joyous celebrations.  Now that I have attended numerous high school and college graduations, I stand by that statement.  Like stalwart mail carriers, we sit through pouring rain and scorching heat as we listen to mediocre speeches and the never-ending litany of every graduate’s name (middle names included).  Most recently, we celebrated Ethan’s graduation from WashU (our third WashU graduation!) where we enjoyed the Recognition Ceremony and the All University Graduation, each 2.5 hours long in torturous heat.  But who are we to complain wearing our sundresses and shorts while the graduates are cloaked in their heavy, dark, non-breathable robes?  Despite the processionals, the recessionals, the honorary degrees and the alma mater to which no one knows the words, there was much JOY!  Joy in our family being together, joy in acknowledging Ethan’s completion of 4 years of academic rigor and joy in knowing that those mandatory ceremonies are followed by mandatory parties!  Congrats to all the 2022 graduates out there!


Rehab at the Brewery


Peloton Ride #1