“Maybe Happy Ending”

If you are in NYC, you must go see “Maybe Happy Ending”.  It is a sweet, new and darling musical starring Darren Kriss (from “Glee") and Helen Shen.  “Maybe Happy Ending” is a futuristic tale that takes place in Seoul and pairs two robots (Oliver is the older model - Helper-Bot 3, while Claire is not quite so obsolete) as neighbors in a “retired” robot community.  Their romance evolves and we witness their sometimes endearing, sometimes confrontational relationship develop.  A Sinatra-like jazz singer carries the story along as does the robots’ adventure to see Oliver’s former owner/friend.  You will be touched to the very core by the love and heartbreak expressed in this play.  At 100 minutes long with no intermission, you’ll be ready to go out on the town afterward.



