Our U.S. Representatives
I am honored to belong to a pro-Israel, non-partisan group of women whose purpose is to support female members of the U.S. Congress who outwardly support the existence and future of a strong Israeli state. We meet in person with about 4 representatives each year from all over the nation (democrats and republicans alike) and have a conversation. We learn about how they are using their voices and positions to influence constituents, colleagues in the House and community leaders to stand up for Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East who is friend to the U.S. Most recently, we met with Congresswoman Lori Trahan, representative of Massachusetts 3rd congressional district. She is bright, hard-working and committed to being a friend to Israel - especially after a visit there a few years ago. She also happens to be a Bookmark This subscriber so I am a huge fan and applaud this charismatic leader for all her efforts in helping our nation and our nation’s allies strengthen and flourish.