“Comedy, Comedy, Comedy, Drama”
I barely know who Bob Odenkirk is but after reading his tremendous memoir, I do now. Not being on trend as mentioned above, I kinda missed out on the whole “Breaking Bad” thing. However, I did see the film, “Nobody”, produced by and starring Odenkirk, so I knew I respected his talent. The book has gotten great reviews because of his ability to relate nearly every detail of his journey from being a kid to becoming a writer, stand-up comic, SNL staffer, TV comedy star and dramatic actor in an engaging manner. “Better Call Saul”, Odenkirk’s character spin-off series from “Breaking Bad” is SO good despite the fact that I’m not a “Breaking Bad'' junkie (pardon the pun). Had I not read the book, I would not be watching it (and Mitch loves it too!).