Just in case you are not text savvy, that stands for Laughing My Ass Off.  And that is exactly what I have themed my final Bookmark This for 2020.  This is the happiness edition (cue smiles, laughter, applause) because what better instant attitude shifter is there beyond good ole, belly aching laughter?  I distinctly remember a laughing session with girlfriends (35+ years ago in Italy) where our bodies went into uncontrollable circular motions, tears rolled down our cheeks and we struggled for breath.  It seemed to last minutes and it was absolutely glorious -- the perfect melding of mind, body and spirit.  While that type of happiness is spontaneous, I do believe we all have the ability to intentionally work on being positive.  For me, writing down 3 things that make me happy each day along with noting my daily intention and something for which I’m grateful are very powerful elements in starting my day with positivity.  So turn that frown upside down as you say “ta-ta 2020” and “I’m ready to LMAO 2021”!


Rewinding Time


Masks, Masks, Masks