Sally Field

The second season of “Wiser Than Me” - Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ podcast - just launched and it does not disappoint!  The point of the show is to garner wisdom and advice from women who are on the older side.  As I am now officially in my 60’s  (did I mention that already LOL), my ears perked up when Sally spoke of the need to reassess your older self (now that you have the benefit of a lot of life experience) and not react to people/situations like your younger self.  She also offered with sincerity, that being a grandparent isn’t all a bed of roses like everyone says - especially when the parents drop the kids off for a week and say “see ya”.  I also loved this season opener because Julia begins it by sharing some insights into why “Seinfeld” was groundbreaking, so joyful to work on, and why the “The Contest” episode (“masturbation”  is never uttered during it) is one of her favorites.


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Being Feted!