Wild Game
Thank you, Leah, for giving me this book! I couldn’t put it down as this captivating memoir brims over with excellent dialog and descriptive passages that read like fiction. The true life story-line of “Wild Game” by Adrienne Brodeur is simple. Adrienne’s mother begins an affair with her husband’s best friend who is also married. In fact the two couples are best friends and spend lots of time together. She asks her then 14 year old daughter, Adrienne, to be complicit in hiding the affair from the unknowing spouses. It goes on for years with many plot twists and plenty of dysfunctional relationships. I highly recommend this brilliantly written book. It won the New England Society 2020 Book Award, was Amazon's #1 Best Memoir of 2019 and was on People’s list of the 10 Best Books of 2019.